Sukumar Coir

Sukumar coir is private limited company and established in the year 2004 at Erode, Tamil Nadu, India, Sukumar coir is highly recognized manufacture and exporter of Coco Peat products in india. CoirGrow is our brand specially for Coco Grow Bags. And we are 100% manufacture with exporter. We makes use of the most modern technologies and machinery along with high quality raw materials to produce different blends of coir products. Sukumar coir is ISO 9001-2008 certified company for quality management system...
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Coco Grow Bags

    Coco Peat Blocks
    Size : 28cmX28cmX14cm ,Fraction : 100% coco peat, Total output : 75 litres...
    Coco Peat Bricks
    Size : 19cmX14cmX4cm ,Fraction : 100% coco peat, Total output : 8-10 litres...
    Coir Grow Bags & Blocks
    Coco Peat in compressed strips or in board form packed in...